John Hegley
+ Found in Translation
+ Barbican Young Poets

Barbican Art Gallery | FREE with | 7pm

We help celebrate another side of legendary London architect and visionary artist Ron Arad. For the industrial design maverick, inventor of the SMS displaying Swarovski Crystal chandelier, is also a word fanatic. In this special event in conjunction with Barbican Art Gallery’s retrospective, eccentric comic wordsmith performs a selection of poems inspired by Arad’s love of repartee. Literary new-kids-on-the-block take you on a breakneck mystery tour of obscurantist French writing group The Oulipo – an ‘a’e’i’o’universe of extremist poetry puzzles; and respond to the exhibition with a selection of new works.  All this in the delectable surroundings of the special exhibition venue where you can relax in Ron Arad furniture or have a go on his ping-pong table.

Ron Arad: Restless

The Londonist on Found in Translation

—Daily Information on Found in Translation

—BBC on John Hegley

—The Foundry on the Barbican Young Poets